What Is Photorejuvenation? Here’s An Overview!

Cosmetic treatments have come a long way in the last couple of decades, and one of the most popular treatments is Photorejuvenation. If you have uneven, sun-damaged, or aging skin, you can consider this as an option. Photorejuvenation relies on laser light – IPL or LED – to rejuvenate the skin and give it a more youthful appearance. The laser light penetrates into the skin and enhances the production of collagen, and in no time, you will see a considerable difference in your skin appearance. As with any cosmetic treatment, not everyone is an ideal candidate for rajeunissement cutané, and in this post, we are discussing some of the relevant aspects in detail.

Understanding the process of skin rejuvenation

As we mentioned earlier, there are two kinds of laser lights that are used for skin rejuvenation. The first one is Intense-pulsed light treatments (IPL), which works best on patchy, sun-damaged skin and is great for those who want even complexion. If you have more than one skin issues and discoloration concerns, IPL might be a better choice, and it can be used for most parts of the body, primarily face, arms and chest. The second option is Light-emitting diode treatment (LED), which relies on light with different wavelength and can be used for treating a specific kind of skin concern. If you have brown spots of melanin related issues, this is a better choice than IPL.

Why consider photorejuvenation?

Compared to some of the other cosmetic procedures, photorejuvenation is safe and doesn’t have as many side effects. In fact, the procedure doesn’t have any downtime and is one of the best solutions for fixing sun damaged skin. If you have too much acne, or spider veins, photorejuvenation might be a good alternative to other treatments. Note that this is not a recommended procedure for reducing wrinkles and other skin problems. In some cases, doctors may recommend photorejuvenation with chemical peels and specific kind of skincare regimen, depending on the skin concerns.

Finding a clinic

Always select a skincare clinic that specializes in photorejuvenation, and the experts should be able to answer all your questions. You may need a few sessions, and the cost per session can vary from one clinic to another, so ask in advance.

Final word

Follow the instructions of your doctor before photorejuvenation, which includes avoiding exposure to sun. Do not use skincare products that are not recommended and ask about the aftercare procedures, if any.